Weekly Share-A-Meal Program Starts Tonight
Share-A-Meal Program Starts Tonight. (the) Handbag Factory / COW and Khalsa Peace are teaming together for this weekly event. Join us on Monday nights at Downtown Los Angeles Yoga for a powerful evening of Kundalini Yoga (taught by freidel kushman!!), followed by serving handmade food to the men and women on Skid Row. Your welcome to participate in all the following activities, or for whatever you're available! 6:00-7:00pm Kundalini Yoga at COW 7:00pm-8:00pm Burrito Rolling 8:00pm-8:15pm Transport Food & Volunteers to 6th & San Pedro 8:15-9:00pm Serve Food 9:00pm Transport back to COW Email cowdtla@gmail.com to sign up for the email list about these kinds of events. Thanks! Event Link