Perpetual Dawn: Kid 606, Leech, T.E.A.L. +more

Tigerbeat6, Phuture Perfect, Tears of Joy and (the) Handbag Factory Present : Perpetual Dawn A Berlin inspired late night underground techno rave. Massive soundsystem. Club Mate. No Police. No EDM. No Ryanair. Clothing optional. Darkroom TBC. Kit n C.L.A.W.S.- Live [San Francisco] OG Dubtechno mastermind Kit Clayton and Ectsacy / 100% SILK recording artist C.L.A.W.S. merge to bring you live synthesizer and drum machine musik! Kid606 - Live. Tigerbeat6 Leech - Live. 100% SILK Peak oil T.E.A.L - Live. Tears of Joy DJ sets by: Zøraya [ Phuture Perfect ] Live For Each Moon [Tears of Joy/ Pacific Horizons ] Eric Parren [ La Force Sauvage ] Visuals by Alex Pelly [ dublab ] $10 9pm till Late At the Handbag Factory 1336 S Grand Ave thehandbagfactory Joshua Kit Clayton kitclayton Kit n C.L.A.W.S. kit...