Friday night, RUBBER 0 CEMENT’s genetic failures and cardboard computer set down in L.A., arriving with EVICSHEN – the whip cracking, band sawing, globe circling solo noise project of Boston’s Victoria Shen. +PLUS+ the low-end rumble and drum-tumble of recently recharged improv duo ELOE OMOE and the deans of decombobulation, DINOSAURS WITH HORNS – Rick Potts and Joseph Hammer! Zoned transmissions throughout the night from DJ NOON COURT aka the stalwart champion of our underground, Samur Khouja. All this in the downtown loft-as-Valhalla that is (the) Handbag Factory.
EVICSHEN [victoria shen]

Friday August 16th at 9pm
Eloe Omoe Dinosaurs With Horns
DJ Noon Court
doors at 9
sound at 10
bring a 10
(the) Handbag Factory
1336 S. Grand Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90015
RUBBER (() CEMENT (Ape Canaveral, Flaw. – BRUTALSFX)
Rubber (() Cement’s butyl mutancy and high speed electronic cardboard is a super science future that will happen, and has been will happening for a quarter-century. Reports of over-the-top exquisite and/or cheap costumery and relatedness to other subterranean acts may be accurate and also may be missing the point: Rubber (() Cement is a science future that will happen. Whether you are fresh to this, or need a refresher, compulse yourself and all your dears to ascend (the) Handbag Factory’s staircase Friday night… Recent visitations in other time zones have seen the - yes - multi-headed bass player going simulataneous ambidextrous on a perpendicularly necked instrument while the perpetual cog twirl of the baudy mainstage computer – CIMEVOX 30084 – reliably issues proximately cryptic streams of chewed bits.
Victoria Shen literally cracks a whip to shock noise into the signal, and EVICSHEN is this Boston-based artist’s nom-de-klang. While she’s deft and adept at varied modes of ‘lectronics – pedals or modular or digital whatever – her actions are more about urgent expression, and the things she brings to channel into the sound – the shrill metallic warble of her electroacousticified band saw or hum of a picked-up bass drum. Shen transverses a staggering breadth of contemporary sonic activity, from the heady quadrants of the academia, to the dankest basements of the road. To wit, this very summer she was an artist in residence in NYC as part of Tarek Atoui’s Organ Within project, culminating with a collaborative set at the Guggenheim, and 2019 alone has seen her own high energy performances wrap around the Earth, as she clocked in at Ende Tymes X and again at Savage Weekend IX amidst a East Coast tear with Rubber (() Cement, only to follow it an astounding 20+ date solo tour of Japan, where additional actions included a live duo with Incapacitants’ T. Mikawa and collaboration with Acid Mothers Temple’s Kawabata Makoto. Her electricity finds a new instance Friday night at (the) Handbag Factory in downtown L.A.
Via visceral vibration and splattered skins, bass and drum duo Eloe Omoe unleash a unified flow of instant composition and perpetual collapse: full-on and free.
“Rick Potts and Joseph Hammer have delicately dispensed laughing-gas-balloon-animals-go-pop-music as Dinosaurs With Horns. The cryptic LAFMS-related group…works with found prerecorded cultural detritus and electronic sounds weaving a hypnogogic fever dream of audio animation. Antique instruments and current technologies are let loose to help with the mesmerizing ad hoc compositions.” Rick draws on an array of unique and “custom” instruments – hinge-neck guitars, saws, household objects – in addition to synths and electronics. And he is, of course, is a founding member of the Los Angeles Free Music Society. In the field of found sound, Joseph Hammer is the master of survey and delay; coaxing fragments of occluded origin into sound with looped tapes and a gloved hand.

Borderlands Noisefest August 31, Mexico
Satellite Show @ (the) Handbag Factory August 29 2019.

Vertexx.io is proud to announce a collaboration with Nett Nett (TJ) for its first international event "Borderlannoise Festival" happening at Casa de la Cultura Playas Tijuana Imac / Paseo Playas de Tijuana 777, Playas, Jardines Playas de Tijuana, 22517 Tijuana, B.C. AUGUST 31rst.
Borderlandnoise Fest is a curated experimental and electronic music festival that not only brings together regional artists from Mexico and USA, but also non for profit organizations, activists and pacificists dedicated to alleviating the current global humanitarian crisis that border cities are currently facing, especially in the Tijuana-San Diego border region. Nett Nett, a cultural production agency located in Tijuana, Mexico, together with Vertexx.io, a cultural producer and multi-tenant platform/resource focused on electronic music and transhuman agency/awareness based in Los Ángeles, California are joining forces with other local and visiting organizations to create an experience where people from different walks of life can get together to not only enjoy an exquisite lineup of music, but also to get to know each other and grow together as a community.
With the help of Borderline Crisis Help Center and their network, Gujarat Vidyapith (University founded by Mahatma Gandhi in 1920), Living Theatre, IMAC Tijuana and others, BorderlandNoise Fest will take place within a two month long program and international artist exhibition focused on urban spaces that arise from contemporary border political contexts. Territorium-Tijuana, the exhibition curated by Jan Lemitz of berlin-based Skyjacking Collective, functions both as a networking mechanism and dialogue space that gives room to various artists, researchers and communities that dive deep into the development and documentation of actions that create awareness of issues important to border regions around the globe.
The Borderlandnoise fest programming begins on the 31st of August at 12pm at IMAC Playas de Tijuana with a community open-mic formatted meeting organized with the help of Ora World Mandala, an extension program of the Gujarat Vidyapith University, where people are invited to voice their concerns and visions they have in relation to their community, all in the search for creative solutions to non-violence and education. Attendees of this action are invited to join the rest of the festival, free of charge.
Music and open workshops kick-start the next portion of the program at 2pm and will be complemented with local-regional food and beverage businesses-projects who find value and benefit from having a brand presence in a vibrant environment with a socially conscious, musically selective, diverse demographic in the Baja California region.
#borderlandnoise #borderland #borderlandnoisefest #unite #humanity #borderlinecrisishelpcenter #nonviolence
@borderlandnoisefest @nettnettspace @
*A MESSAGE FROM (the) Handbag Factory //////
Lastly, thank you all for the support over the last 8.5 years. We are happy to announce that we are in the process of applying for non-profit status. This will provide a safer more stable diy space for the community and will allow us to integrate fully our foundational circle, namely Seahorse Sound Recording Studios and Cow our local cafe. More news soon!
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